200 Fifth Ave. 7th Floor Waltham, MA 02451 (781) 290-4900

Financial Planning

Taking a Comprehensive View of Your Financial World

At Argent Wealth Management, we work closely with you to develop your financial plan. Our well-defined process focuses on helping you to achieve financial security and maintain your desired lifestyle. Our financial planners are CFPs, CPAs, and JDs so you can rest assured knowing you are getting seasoned advice. We utilize leading financial planning software, E-Money, and risk measurement techniques to truly understand and quantify your goals and needs. We listen to you and spend the time to document your goals and dreams within a comprehensive financial plan – your roadmap to success.

Our relationship begins by gathering financial information to prepare a balance sheet through our Onboarding process. This includes talking with you and listening carefully to assess risk tolerance and identify financial goals. We learn what is important to you and how we can create a plan and best allocate assets to achieve your goals.

A few of the questions we may ask are:

  • What are your plans for retirement?

  • What sort of lifestyle do you see yourself leading?

  • Do you plan on funding your children’s or grandchildren’s education?

  • What sort of legacy do you want to leave and to whom?

  • What financial concerns keep you up at night?

  • What philanthropic causes are important to you?

Moving forward, we’ll meet regularly with you to discuss your financial status and monitor your financial progress. Our conversations are quite broad. We learn about what is going on in your life, what has changed, and what concerns (financial or otherwise) might impact your financial plan. As a partner in your success, we often act as a sounding board for key issues which go far beyond “the numbers.”